As the system/s are integrated, most of the features & facilities listed under
[Webmail] and here, are relevant whichever method you use.
Email Forwarding allows you to forward any email addressed to someone@yourdomain.co.uk to any other email address you choose, for example a hotmail or yahoo.com address. You can forward each address to up to three different addresses.
Got a Blackberry? Selective forwarding to an address you've reserved
means you can allow only critical emails or those you actually want whilst
on the move.
Catch-All Email Forwarding allows you to forward ALL email to anyone@yourdomain.co.uk to any other email address you choose.
Mail Boxes: A mail box stores mail on our server until you download it using an email client like Outlook Express. Add as many mail boxes to your account as you need up to the preset limit... For Individual people, Departments (e.g. sales), Functions (e.g. Webmaster), or Campaigns (e.g. specialoffer@yourdomain.co.uk). Our mail servers support POP3 and IMAP.
Email Distribution Lists make it easy to send an email to all members of a group whose addresses you have legitimately gathered through previous sales or opt-in lists. Use as many different lists as you need up to your preset limit. It's easy to add a simple form on your website which your visitors can use to subscribe or unsubscribe from list/s to receive your offers or literature.
Email Autoresponders allow an email address on your account to automatically respond with a specific message. This can be as simple as letting them know that the person they're emailing is on holiday, or that their request for your special offer has been received and the terms are... etc.
Junk Mail Filters use special technology to strip out junk mail before you receive it. There are a number of levels and pre-sets you can choose from to determine what is or isn't like to get through, and you can set an address to send the junk mail to so that you can periodically check that only junk mail is being caught, or retrieve those that actually were valid.
Our inclusive WebMail is one of the most powerful and flexible available. Integrated with your regular mailbox/es, and optionally
synchronised with your MS Outlook or equivalent organiser - keeping your personal or group contacts and schedules up-to-date can be a
Got a Data enabled phone ?... Selective email Notification or Forwarding by SMS text is available
at a small extra charge. Click here for more Webmail details.
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